Sunday, May 19, 2013

Angela's Bridal Portrait Session at Zilker Botanical Gardens | Austin, Texas Bridal Photographer

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I don’t usually find myself driving before the sun comes up on Sunday mornings (or conscious, for that matter), but Angela was worth enduring my alarm clock’s screeching. We arrived at Sonetriya’s house in the dark, and Angela’s makeup was expertly applied in the kitchen in what seemed like no time at all. We made our way to the Zilker Botanical Gardens where Angela’s sister Amy was waiting with the dress hanging from a sign near the outdoor restrooms. I stood guard at the ladies’ room entrance, ready to clobber any evildoers or reroute any potty-dancing toddlers at the ladies’ room entrance while Angela’s sister Amy helped her shimmy into her stunning dress. The morning was a bit nippy for Austin in May, so Angela donned her jacket in between shots in the shade, but luckily the weather turned gorgeous before we were done. The gardens were alive with color, and the scent from the seemingly infinite blossoms was heavenly. We strolled from garden to garden, capturing beautiful images of Angela and her dress along the way. It’s not often you see a bride rock polka dot flip flops with her dress, but Angela made them work to her advantage since she knew she’d be using a stepstool anyway (the dress had not been altered). They were definitely a memorable but practical choice of footwear for all the walking we were doing. I made sure to get some candid shots of our setup (yeah, that’s totally a shower curtain under there keeping her dress clean)and of Angela hamming it up. I work with Angela, so I don’t usually get to see her personality shine through the business casual office attire or grey cubicle walls, but Amy brought her little sister’s silly side out in the way that only a big sister can. I had a blast with these ladies, and I hope they love these images as much as I loved spending that Sunday morning with them!

And here are some of my favorite candids from the day:

Location: Zilker Botanical Gardens, Austin, Texas 
Bouquet: H-E-B Floral Department (Ballin’ on a budget? H-E-B will hook you UP!) 
Makeup: Sonetriya Mayfield 
Hair: styled by bride and sister
Photography: Kelly Lambert of Lion & Lamb Photo 

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