Sunday, May 20, 2012

Caswell House Wedding | Austin, TX Wedding Photographer

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"You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams."
- Dr. Seuss

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Briana and Gage are pretty much one of the cutest couples you'll ever meet. They're absolutely sincere in their love for one another, and it shows. 

I loved being able to photograph their special day in such a gorgeous venue as the Caswell House. It was wild, hectic, crazy, beautiful, and fun, like a wedding should be! You know it's a good wedding when all you wanna do the next day is sleep. :) 

Thanks, Briana and Gage, for sharing this most special of days with me. I wish you guys love and happiness together for the rest of your days. 

For more photos of this wedding and other portraits, "like" Lion & Lamb Photo on Facebook. You won't be sorry you did! 

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