Saturday, March 24, 2012

McKinney Falls Senior Photo Session Sneak Peek

Pin It Here's a sneak peek of what I was up to this morning! This is the beautiful Bastrop High School Senior, Kayla, we shot her senior photos at McKinney Falls State Park in Austin this morning. It was overcast and foggy, but we still got some fantastic images!! Here's two that are edited as a sneak peek. Working on getting the rest done by the end of the week.

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This session is proof positive that when you shoot with me, get ready for an adventure! We hiked all over the park, almost got in trouble with the park ranger for being in the maintenance area, laid down on rocks, sat in bluebonnets, chased off giant crows, and shooed away bugs! We had a great time, and I'm so excited to see how the rest of the photos turn out!

For more photos of this this and other portrait sessions, "like" Lion & Lamb Photo on Facebook. You won't be sorry you did!